Letter from the President

As a practicing divorce lawyer in the Hudson Valley for over thirty years, I am proud to say that the existence of the HVCDDRA has changed the choices available to our community members when they choose to divorce by providing the support needed for most families to make respectful, fair and workable agreements. Because we truly care not only about the “law”, but also about the emotional and financial health of all parties to a divorce and their children, we are devoted to working hard to find solutions that will benefit the entire family system.

Our membership tend to be more mature practitioners of each profession, who realize that good planning at the time of divorce is critical to the healthy development of the children of divorce and the financial security of the entire family. With the help of our teams, over 95% of the couples who attempt collaboration reach agreements that they believe are satisfactory.

After nearly fifteen years of experience, our collaborative community is one of the most sophisticated in the country. We were the first interdisciplinary group in New York State, and our members have trained many of the collaborative lawyers, mental health professionals and financial professionals in the northeast.

Whether you are a client looking for a peaceful strategy to solve problems that have arisen, or a professional looking for a dynamic, committed group of colleagues, we are delighted to provide you with as much information as you need. We hope our website will answer most of your immediate questions, but any of our members will be happy to discuss this with you further.

Kathryn S. Lazar

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Collaborative Divorce