Parents with children

The Collaborative Process Works If Both You and Your Spouse:


Want to treat each other with respect and honesty throughout your divorce.

Want to make a shared plan to meet your childrens’ best interests

Are willing to participate actively to create a system for future decision-making.

Are willing to negotiate an enduring agreement.

Are committed to reorganizing your family in a peaceful manner so that you can celebrate your childrens’ accomplishments in the future.

A couple's 5 options for divorce...

No lawyer required

Each party requires lawyers

  • Do Nothing

    Couples separate without formal arrangements

  • Kitchen Table

    Couples sit together and agree on a divorce settlement

  • Mediation

    Couples hire neutral professionals to assist with negotiation

  • Collaboration

    Each Party has own lawyer, couple has neutral Divorce Coach, Financial Advisor and Child Specialist

  • Litigation

    Court makes a decision on the outcome

Couple in charge of outcome

Court in charge of outcome

A couple's 5 options for divorce...

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Collaborative Divorce