Upcoming Events

Hudson Valley Collaborative Divorce and Dispute Resolution Association is committed to informing the public about the Collaborative process and to build and support thriving Practice Groups. We believe education and training will ensure the growth and longevity of the Collaborative process for resolving disputes.

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Pension Valuation & Negotiation Strategy


1st Annual Doug Parrish Memorial Training

Pension Valuation & Negotiation Strategy

Presented by: Carolyn D’Agostino, Esq.

( 4 CLE Credits Available )

Co-sponsored by:
• Hudson Valley Divorce & Dispute Resolution Association
• Dutchess County Bar Association

8:30am – 12:30pm
Fishkill Hyatt House (formerly Sierra Suites)
100 Westage Business Center Drive
Fishkill, NY

Early Registration:
HVCDDRA & DCBA members         $60.00
Non-members                                       $85.00

Late Registration (after Feb. 19th):
HVCDDRA & DCBA members          $75.00
Non-members                                     $100.00


To enroll and pay by credit card, call Lazar & Schwartz at (845) 896-9651
Mail-in registration form may be requested by email to lservay@lazarandschwartz.com

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Collaborative Divorce