Choose Your Collaborative Professionals
The interdisciplinary model of Collaborative Divorce anticipates the interactive role and participation of the parties with their independent Attorneys, as well as either one neutral or two Divorce Coaches, a Financial Neutral Consultant, and a Child Specialist (if recommended). The goal of the interdisciplinary team is to assist the divorcing spouses through the divorce processes as efficiently and economically as possible while at the same time keeping in mind the needs of the individual spouses and their children.
Choose Your Collaborative Financial Specialist
The Financial Specialist reviews all of the economic parameters and economic realities of the case. The Financial Specialist is a neutral party who will collect, review, and analyze the family financial data. Their value is in the fact that they will singly do this data collection and compilation to be disseminated in a common report to all parties and their attorneys rather than have the parties separate attorneys each trying to do this job from a strong biased perspective. Furthermore, they will run and provide scenarios for various proposed settlement plans with “what if” hypotheticals that will project actual cash and tax impact.