Choose Your Collaborative Professionals

The interdisciplinary model of Collaborative Divorce anticipates the interactive role and participation of the parties with their independent Attorneys, as well as either one neutral or two Divorce Coaches, a Financial Neutral Consultant, and a Child Specialist (if recommended). The goal of the interdisciplinary team is to assist the divorcing spouses through the divorce processes as efficiently and economically as possible while at the same time keeping in mind the needs of the individual spouses and their children.

Choose Your Collaborative Attorney

The attorneys are committed to the cooperative resolution of all issues. The attorneys facilitate negotiations while protecting their client’s rights. The attorney helps his or her client to gather and understand the information needed to reach an agreement. Through problem-solving negotiations that do not include adversarial techniques or tactics, the attorney advises clients concerning applicable law and its effect on them, helps them negotiate a resolution, and helps them draft agreements in the spirit of cooperation.

Want to join our professional team?

Joining the Hudson Valley Collaborative Divorce and Dispute Resolution Association (HVCDDRA) provides attorneys, financial advisors and mental health professionals with training and support to enhance their Collaborative Practice. The HVCDDRA works to transform how conflict is resolved through Collaborative Practice. We encourage adoption of Collaborative Practice through community and networking, training and events and advocating public acceptance of Collaborative Practice.

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Collaborative Divorce